How To Take Meeting Notes? Guide For Project Managers

how to take meeting notes

Effective meeting notes are essential to staying organized and communicating clearly about projects. They also help project managers to keep projects on track. 

But how can you ensure that you are notes are comprehensive actionable and easy to reference 

Creating complete meeting notes is important to achieve clear communication during projects.

In this article, we will walk you through the best practices for taking meeting notes tools that can make this process easier, and tips to streamline your workflow. 

Why are Meeting Notes Important? 

Meeting notes are a record of what was discussed during the meeting. They also include the agreed-upon points and tasks assigned during meetings. It helps a project manager to; 

  • Track task progress: It helps you to keep your notes documented including key updates and milestones.
  • Clarify Assignments: You can add action items and responsibilities in a proper format.
  • Ensure Accountability: All notes connect as a reference for follow-ups.
  • Improve communication: It allows all team members and stakeholders to stay informed and aligned about project details. 

How to Take Effective Meeting Notes? 

1. Prepare in Advance 

It’s important to know the agenda of the meeting to anticipate discussion topics. Start by setting up a template that will help you to make a consistent structure for all your notes. A standard format must include;

  • Meeting date and time 
  • Attendees 
  • Key points discussed 
  • Action items

2. Focus on Key Details

You need to focus on key details and leave unnecessary things behind. You should focus on decisions made during the meeting and action items like deadlines assigned to specific team members.

  • Key questions or concerns raised in the meeting
  • Any kind of deadline date, next steps, or follow-up task 

3. Use Abbreviations and Symbols 

It’s important to use short-hand notations to keep up with the discussion’s pace and avoid missing points. 

  • D for decision 
  • AI for action items 
  • Q for questions 
  • Tick for a completed task 

4. Clarify and Confirm 

If something is unclear, ask during the meeting and don’t hesitate. It’s better to address any confusion immediately than to miss any details or misunderstandings about critical information. 

5. Summarise after the Meeting

Always take 5 to 10 minutes after the meeting to tidy up your meeting notes and review all points noted in the meeting to make sure they are accurate, easy to understand, and complete points with all details. 

Best Tools for Taking Meeting Notes

Here is a list of tools for taking meeting notes:

1. Microsoft OneNote


Microsoft OneNote is a versatile tool for creating digital notes. It also allows easy organization and categorization of notes in folders and files. You can also integrate it with Microsoft Teams. 

2. Notion 


Notion is another excellent note-taking tool that encourages collaboration between teams to share, comment on, and edit notes in real-time.

3. Evernote


Evernote tool offers robust features for organizing and searching notes. It is best for long-term project management. 

4. Google docs

Google docs

Google Docs is one of the simplest and most accessible tools. You can share meeting notes immediately with the team.  

Other Specialized Meeting Note Apps 

Fellow, Hugo, and are some specialized meeting note apps that focus on capturing meeting insights. They provide features like templates, AI transcription, task management, sorting of actionable items, and more. 

Pro Tips For Taking Better Meeting Notes 

1. Keep it concise

You can avoid writing long paragraphs, instead use bullets for much clarity.

2. Differentiate action items 

For differentiating between action items, you can use bold text, highlighting, color coding, or special symbols to make them easy to identify and understand. 

3. Assign responsibility 

It’s essential to assign notes taking responsibility for each task as it helps in follow-up and ensures better accountability. 

4. Use keywords 

Keywords help in the searchability of your notes especially If you are using digital tools like Google Docs.

5. Distribute notes promptly

Make sure to send the notes to participants within 24 hours of the meeting, so that the information is actionable and fresh.  

Structure Example Meeting Notes Template 

Meeting Title: Weekly Project Update
Date: [Insert Date]
Time: [Insert Time]
Attendees: [List Names]

Key Points Discussed:

  • [Bullet Point 1]
  • [Bullet Point 2]

Decisions Made:

  • [Decision 1]

Action Items:

  • Task 1: [Description] – Due by [Date], assigned to [Name]
  • Task 2: [Description] – Due by [Date], assigned to [Name]

Next Steps:

  • [Next Step 1]
  • [Next Step 2]

Challenges In Taking Meeting Notes And How to Overcome Them 

1. Overwhelming Information

Capturing everything in one place might be mind-boggling. That’s why it’s important to focus on only key points and actionable items.

2. Unclear Roles

When teams are big, multiple people are involved. It’s essential to assign notes-taking responsibilities before the meeting starts. You can also assign meeting notes to two or more persons. 

3. Time Constraints 

Some meetings might escalate quickly, that’s why using recording apps like can supplement your notes. 

FAQ about Meeting Notes 

1. Can I record meetings instead of taking notes?

Yes, recording can be very helpful but written notes are much easier to review and share. You can combine them both for a better outcome. 

2. How do I prioritize action items?

You can use the Eisenhower Matrix to categorize tasks based on urgency and importance in action items. 

3. Should I share notes with everyone?

It depends on your meeting’s purpose and team members’ designations. For project updates, you can share notes with stakeholders, while sensitive discussions can only be shared with relevant parties. 


Taking effective meeting notes is essential for project managers. You should prepare in advance to focus on key points and use digital tools so that your notes are clear and organized. 

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